Monday, August 4, 2014

Our Work: DOC for J&N's Fun-Loving DIY Wedding


This wedding was one of our favorites. The couple defines the meaning "labor of love" in the details and planning of their wedding. The couple and their loved ones personally made the signs, flowers, wedding decors, signature drinks & photo-booth props. You have got to check out their handcrafted centerpieces that replicate the venue's windmill. They were amazing.

Their ceremony was personalized with a family member officiating to the unity rope. The area was perfectly set with handcrafted paper flowers backdrop and paper flower pompoms lining the aisle.

From there, the guests continue on to the photo-booth area to take advantage of the front of the vintage Rengstorff House. It was a great way to get fun photos of each of their guests. Then, they make their way into the cocktail area.

The reception was memorable by being intimate and original with interactive song requests, witty video of the couple’s story, and karaoke. At the end of the night, people were in such great spirits that they did not seem ready to wrap up the party.

We are so honored to be a part of this creative couple's day and hope they continue to be as original and cute throughout the infinite years of their marriage.



For more photos visit our Facebook page:

Vendor Credits: Venue Rengstorff House | Photography Nicole Chubb Ralston | Rentals Bwiebe Events | Desserts Sweet Tooth Confections | Catering Spice Kit

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Jilie's Rocked Out and Ethan's Cars Adventure birthday

The start of the New Year is usually really exciting and refreshing. Something about the feeling of a clean slate excites me to start writing new resolutions. Typically, I will pick up a new calendar and can’t wait to start jotting down dates and items that I would like to accomplish. This year I just kinda felt sad about it all. I wanted to fold my arms and pout like my Jilie does… because I sucked last year at accomplishing what I wanted to do. The only thing I did amazingly well was snuggling with my family, plan celebrations and work ridiculous hours at work. It’s just the fact that I could’ve done more. I am not typically a regretful person. I run far and fast from that “r” word. But it is annoying that I haven’t sent any thank you cards for Jilian’s and Ethan’s birthday celebrations.   So to start 2014 with a bang, I’m starting by sending virtual hearts this Valentines..  We THANK YOU, truly ♥

To our family and friends,

THANK YOU so much for taking the time out of your busy lives and celebrating with us!!  Wil, Jilie, Ethan I truly appreciate YOU very very much!!!   The kids’ parties are our favorite celebrations because it gives us a chance to invite all our loved ones and to celebrate another blessed year with our kiddies.   

Below are some pictures from the parties.

(Photography credited to Mark Matias Photography)

Ethan’s 2nd Birthday

Jilian’s 6th Birthday

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our Work: Photoshoot w/Story of Us Photography

Back in April, we did our very first bridal faire with our industry sister and former bride, Thuy. You may remember her from our Style Me Pretty feature in this article. Photos for this event were beautifully captured by Adele Cabanillas.

Thuy is the owner and photographer of Story of Us and thanks to her, we found Rengstorff House: UNVEILED, our very first bridal fair. What an experience, but more on that later.

Prior to the event, AIE and Story of Us, staged a sweetheart table photo shoot on the venue's ground. We, AIE and Story of Us, used those images for slideshows, business cards, and pamphlets to promote both businesses since our booths were set up next to each other.

Here are a few photos from our shoot:

Special thanks to our team for making this possible: 
Cake: MadzCakez
Linens and Candelabra: 1000 Fine Events 
Photography: Story of Us
Location: Rengstorff House in Mountain View, CA

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our Work: Jilie's Pirate Birthday

Guess what I was doing at 1:17 this morning? Loading the washing machine and coughing my lungs outs! It must have been the mother hen in me that had me putting all the laundry away and nesting our home before another work week. And now I am blogging while Jilian wrestles with Ethan in his playpen. Life’s been busy, but I’m still feeling blessed with every second.

Jilian turned 5 years old a couple of weeks ago and we threw her a pirate party at the beach. I first asked her sometime last year of what kind of party did she want and her reply with no hesitation.. “a pirate party at the beach, Momma”. She mentioned many times that a pirate party is a perfect party for a girl named Jilie.
With a Momma that loves to plan parties and a Ninang that has so many awesome ideas.. AIE ran with the pirate theme and we simply planned her dream party.

 I was really lucky to have found Hayley from Hayley Anne Photography.  She is an awesome photographer from the area. Hayley captured so many beautiful pictures that day and the pictures speak for themselves. She was so easy to work with and I’m so happy to have found her!!  Hayley followed the kids while they played in the sand and dug through the beach for the treasure hunt.  

Ninang Madz surprised Jilie w/ the ultimate treasure chest cake

Friday, February 17, 2012

Celebrations... AIE's in Maui for S&C

Aloha!! Greetings from Maui, HI.

Picture taken with my iPhone

I'm here in Maui to witness my best friend marry her main squeeze.  I still can't believe her wedding day is today. We've talked about her wedding for so long.  It will truly be a magical day. The skies will be beautiful because my friends' parents will be smiling down from heaven. All her family and friends will be shedding happy tears!! Love you both S&C!!

I've known the bride for so many years now. We first met in a business office of an auto dealership that we worked in.  We shared a cubicle wall. Every morning I'd  stick a yellow post-it on her side of her cubicle saying "Morning!" and she would do the same. We called each other from our work lan time even though we were 5 feet away. One day, I had some goldfish crackers and tossed one in a cup of water. I handed it to her as a friendship offering. We did silly things like that together. Can't believe it has been about 12 years ago.

Tess and I were fortunate to help the bride with some wedding details. This will be AIE's first destination wedding.. Details to follow!!

Aloha going to enjoy the wedding now,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love...What I've been up to

The past few months..I learned to just relax and enjoy life. My life has been a whirlwind since I'm now a mommy of two. My family and friends keep me sane. They are all crazy, but yes... they keep me sane.  My kids fight for my attention and they give me headaches, but I'm blessed to have them.

We're only here on earth for a short period and I tell myself to appreciate it all everyday. 
